Category: <span>Teambuildings</span>

Vrei team-building în Iași? Încearcă paintball!
13 March 201813 March 2018

Vrei team-building în Iași? Încearcă paintball!

Facem parte din grupuri, mai mult sau mai puțin funcționale. Inevitabil, căci suntem ființe sociale. Acasă – în familie, la școală sau la locul de muncă, ne organizăm în grupuri mici și mari. Când vine vorba de prieteni, tu decizi cu cine îți petreci timpul liber. În mediile profesionale însă, adesea, te simți ,,aruncat” într-un...

Why a follow-up meeting is so important after a teambuilding
19 October 201719 October 2017

Why a follow-up meeting is so important after a teambuilding

So, you planned a teambuilding or training for your employees perfectly down to the last detail, but you’re not finished yet. The entire purpose of the event was to successfully capture issues that need to be solved, to discover new abilities of your employees, to build a stronger connection and to learn. And now you have...

How nature can help you build a stronger team
19 October 201719 October 2017

How nature can help you build a stronger team

Nature gave us all the resources that we need to learn how to adapt to every situation, how to fill our soul with a good vibe and how to be kind. And, on top of the positive effects that it has on reducing stress-levels and improving mental health, the open and unstructured space of the...

The Role of Team-Building in the success of your company
6 October 201710 October 2017

The Role of Team-Building in the success of your company

In recent years, due to fast economic and technological changes, there has been an undeniably growing trend of paying more attention to the role that human resources play in the overall success and growth of a company. So much so, that we see many more organizations investing in creating a strong organizational culture and climate....